Tipperary County Council – Stereame Car Park

Client: Tipperary Co. Co.
Scale: 252 no. car park spaces
Start date: 2017
Completion: 2017

BMCE were engaged to provide full civil engineering design services, PSDP and Contract Administrator services for the delivery of a 252no. space car park for Tipperary County Council at Stereame, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.  

BMCE developed the initial concept design which involved maximising parking numbers within the available lands, coordination with the existing car parking arrangements of an adjacent commercial premises, balancing of cut and fill volumes, provision for future expansion, and protection of existing mature trees on the site. The works involved provision of a new attenuation structure and hydrobrake flow restrictor, new bus stop set-down area, automated exit/entry control barriers, upgrades to the surround public footpath infrastructure, along with new public lighting, future-proofing for EV charging stations, and extensive landscaping works. 

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