Mushrooms Agri-Industrial Facility

Completion: 2014

This project comprised a large scale facility for the production of  compost for mushroom growing.

Phase 1 composting bunker building consisted of 5no. reinforced  concrete bunkers 9mx9m in section x 55m long opening into a 30metre  clear span filling hall 80metres long x 13m high, climate corridor for  housing of air handling plant feeding into each bunker and an adjacent  Scrubber room & bio-bed buildings for removal of odours and cleaning of waste air. Phase 2 composting building connected at high level via conveyors to the Phase 1 building for further processing of the compost.  105m x75m clad building x13metres high max, with duo-pitch roof  covering 21no ‘tunnels’ 4.0m wide x 4.5m high x 43m long for processing  of compost, opening into a 17m wide clear span filling hall and a 13m  wide clear span emptying hall with full length 105m truck pit set down for loading of lorries from the high-level conveyors. 

Barrett Mahony acted as the civil & structural consulting engineer on the  project as well as the lead consultant
