Maldron Hotel, Dublin

Client: Dalata Hotel Group
Scale: 6,634 sqm Hotel & 7,894 sqm Residential
Start date: 2017
Completion: 2022
Architect: MOLA Architecture

The Maldron Hotel development proposes a replacement for the now outdated Tara Towers Hotel on Merrion Road in Dublin 4 and development of the remainder of the site with a scheme of apartments and townhouses. The site occupies a prominent and dramatic bay-side position overlooking Booterstown Marsh and Dublin Bay towards Howth Head.

The new hotel comprises an 8 storey, 140 bed pavilion facing Dublin Bay across Merrion Road, with a 56 unit residential block stepping from 6 to 4 storeys located to the west over a podium/basement car park. The ground floor entered from the road front incorporates the public amenities of the hotel, restaurants, bars and seminar suite, with service areas to the rear.

A terrace of six 3 storey townhouses with a 4 storey, 8 unit apartment building and landscaped gardens complete the Development.

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