Columba Park, Killiney, Dublin

Client: Marlet Property Group
Scale: 43 units
Completion: 2024
Architect: MDO Architects

BMCE provided civil and structural design services on this Killiney residential development, from detailed design stage through to completion. The project has 43 units in total, made up of 24 apartments, 8 terraced houses and 8 duplexes. The works also involved the demolition and reconstruction of an existing bungalow along Watson road to facilitate a new entrance into the site.

The apartment blocks are reinforced concrete flat slabs with steel 'bolt-on' balconies. The larger block includes a transfer slab over a single level of basement. The houses and duplexes are masonry, precast and timber construction. Careful consideration was given to the foundations and layout of below ground services due to the sloping site and variable ground conditions comprising a mix of soft organic sub-soils and rock.


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