UCD Village Centre

Client: UCD
Scale: 5,300m² ( 57,048 sqft )
Start date: 2018
Completion: 2021
Architect: Reddy Architecture & Urbanism

ICE and BAYA awards 2022

UCD Village – Student Education & Amenity building was completed in September 2021 and represents the first stage of a masterplan for consolidation of UCD Students living on campus.  The building forms the epicentre of student life and provides all the amenity spaces and facilities catering for all the students needs from a bike shop to student welfare. The central space of the building is conceived as serving all of the communal requirements of the student in the weekday and weekend, housing events, essentials, welfare and health orientated activities in an environment which will, by design, promote interaction.

This building is primarily two-storey with a 5-storey residential tower supported by a second-floor transfer structure at the northern end. The two-storey section student centre houses a 290-seater Auditorium/Lecture/ Performance Space, as well as seating for 300 in a market-style food hall and gallery area.  It also houses restaurant and retail units, a bank, gym, dance/performance studio’s, student wellness and contact centre and office accommodation. The 5-storey residential tower provides accommodation for post graduate students attending the university.

The building was generally constructed as an in-situ reinforced concrete frame supported on pad foundations and lean-mix concrete to good ground. The roof of the main atrium comprised of feature glulam beams with a lightweight metal deck and sedum green roof.

BIM 360 was used to share a coordinated model allowing for early clash detection and coordination, resulting in fewer site visits than would have normally been needed to solve these issues at the construction stage.

Barrett Mahony Consulting Engineers were commissioned to provide Civil & Structural Engineering Consultancy services associated with these works.
