8 MW Energy for Waste Facility Baddesley, Warwickshire

Client: Kantor Energy Ltd
Completion: 2020
Architect: UMC Architects

Large scale energy recovery plant facility.

This project involved the construction of a £61m Energy for Waste
facility. Situated on a former colliery, the site underwent extensive
re-engineering and profiling to produce a level development
plateau. The structure comprised a series of steel portal frames, of
up to 20 m in height, supported on a piled foundation arrangement
made up of 450 no. bored concrete piles. The structure and
foundations were designed to support several large items of plant,
including a boiler, turbine, chimney stack, and flue-gas treatment
plant. The project additionally involved several deep excavations,
included a 10 m deep excavation for a fuel receiving pit. The
buildings required 4300cum approx. of reinforced concrete and 350
tonnes of structural steel.

The project was handed over in September 2021 and exported 85
GWh to the National Grid during its first year of operation.

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